Cookie Policy

The site (, maintained by Belsim Ltd., uses a number of different cookies. This Cookie Policy explains the following:

  • What are cookies?
  • The cookies we use and why we use them.
  • Users' right to refuse cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are downloaded to your device when you visit the website or one of the platform's mobile applications. Downloaded cookies send information back to the original website from which they were downloaded on each subsequent visit to the same or another website that recognizes these cookies. Cookies are useful because they allow the website to recognize the user's device.

Cookies perform many different functions, such as helping you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally helping to improve the user experience.

Why We Use Cookies?

Cookies can be categorized according to who places the cookie on the User's device that he uses to access the website.

First-party cookies are cookies placed by the website All cookies that We place on your computer from the Site are first-party cookies.

Third-party cookies are cookies placed by a website that does not own or manage

Cookies are also often categorized according to the function they perform. We use the following types of cookies, according to their function:

Essential Cookies

These are cookies that are necessary for the functioning of the elements of the platform or for the performance of services that the User has requested. For example, we use a cookie that remembers that you are logged in to the Site until you log out.

Analytical cookies

These cookies collect information about how Users use the Website/Mobile Applications - which pages Users visit most often, and whether Users receive error messages. Analytical cookies do not collect information that identifies the User. All information that analytical cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. These cookies are used only to improve the functioning of the platform and all its elements.

We use cookies provided by third-party service providers, including Google Analytics, Optimizely and New Relic, to help us analyze how Users use the website

Google Analytics cookies collect data related to the user's IP address, such as the length of time the user spends on a page, the pages the user visits and the websites the user visits before and after visiting the Site . We also place cookies provided by Optimizely to verify that changes we have made to the Site are working correctly.

Like the cookies provided by Google Analytics and Optimizely, the cookies provided by New Relic collect information about your visit to the Platform, such as delays , which you may encounter when using features and.New Relic's cookies assign an identification number called a "session ID" to your visit to our Site. Information collected about your visit is sent to New Relic and tied to your session ID. Each visit generates a new session ID, and session IDs between visits are not linked to identify you. New Relic deletes the session ID at the end of your visit.

Cookies provided by any third-party service provider send the information they collect to that third-party service provider. Cookies provided by Google Analytics send information about your site's interactions with Google Analytics. Each third-party service provider then receives aggregated data, uses the information received, and sends reports on the aggregated data. These reports are not shared with other parties. We use the reports to offer a better experience to Users of the Site.

Although these cookies provide information to third-party service providers, they are not third-party cookies because we place them ourselves.

Functional cookies

These cookies allow the website to remember the choices that Users make and to provide improved, personalized features. We use cookies provided by that allow you to continue chatting with customer support as you navigate between pages.

Targeting / Advertising Cookies

Targeting/advertising cookies are cookies used to deliver advertisements relevant to the User. They remember that a User has visited a website and share this information with other organizations such as ad providers.

Cookies in this category may also include remarketing cookies. These are cookies that remember that you have visited our site even after you leave it. Sometimes they collect information about what pages of our site you have visited. They then share this information with Our third-party vendors, such as AppNexus, Google, Nanigans, Facebook and Twitter. Based on this information, third-party providers show you advertisements on third-party websites for products that We believe may be of interest to You, based on what You have viewed on Our Site .

You can opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting Google's Ads Settings. You may also opt-out of other third-party vendors, such as AppNexus, using cookies placed by the Site by visiting the Advertising Network Opt-Out page.

Cookies can also be categorized by how long they stay on your device. There are two broad categories of duration:

Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies remain on your device until they are manually or automatically deleted.

Session cookies

Session cookies remain on your device until you close your browser, when they are automatically deleted.

We use both session and persistent cookies.

Users' right to refuse cookies

Users have the right to refuse the requested permission to place cookies on the device they use to access the Site. Below we describe how users can reject the cookies used

Rejection of cookies through browser settings:

The Help menu in the menu bar of most browsers will guide you how to prevent your browser from accepting cookies, how to have your browser notify you when it receives a new cookie, and how to disable cookies altogether. For more information about using your browser settings to reject cookies, please visit

You should be aware that rejecting cookies in your browser settings may mean that any preferences you have set on this site will be lost and that the site may not function the same. In addition, we say that using your browser settings to reject cookies may also cause cookies to be rejected from all websites, not just this site.

Have questions?

If you have any questions related to's Cookie Policy, we will do our best to respond as soon as possible. You can send us an email at

Updating the Cookie Policy of

If we change Our Cookie Policy, we will post the changes on this page and update the Cookie Policy update date. In the event that we materially change this Cookie Policy in a way that affects how we use or disclose your personal information, we will notify you by prominently posting a notice of the planned changes before we make them together with the date on which they come into force.

Last Update: 01.09.2023
